Alisha McKellar Portrait Design
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This is where the stories behind the photos live, as well as random stories about my life as an Atlanta, GA Portrait Photographer.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Let's Not Title the Book Just Yet

 One of my favorite lines in a song is "I'd like to think the best of me is hiding up my sleeve..." This is because I hope to never stop dreaming, trying, doing, learning, thinking and creating. I believe underdogs rule the world...we just don't brag about it. :) If you're in the spot light all the time, you're blinded and can't see everyone else, or where you are needed. I do think the spot light can be fun sometimes, though.

Anyway, now that I got all of that out, on to some SUPER fun stuff. After loving Showit for over a year now, I finally decided to climb out of my little shell and attend the PASS Premier Tour here in Atlanta last night. I first got there and the wallflower in me came out. However, in no time at all, I was meeting all of these wonderful photographers, and even some I'd met at the Sandy Puc'/Jerry Ghionis seminar not too long ago. So, once I got comfy, it was ON! The speakers were unbelievable!

First up was Promise Tangeman-one of the main reasons I wanted to go. Her work is so inspiring, and every time I even go to her website I just start dreaming. Listening to her go over how she approaches branding was so refreshing. So many people were telling me I needed to do this and do that-Promise simply said you need to take a step back and figure out who you are. YOU are your brand. :) Genius, right? It's not supposed to happen in two days-it will always be a work in progress, and it should grow with you. I feel awful for talking her ears off, but she was so gracious about it all. My goal for next week is to start on her branding e-course. So, watch out folks, I'm going to go wild. haha! And, I can't wait! Hopefully I will finally figure myself out?

Next up, Zach & Jody Gray. I already loved them from watching them on my PhotoVision DVD, but to hear them just talk freely about how they treat their clients was certainly inspirational. Even though I don't specialize in weddings, they had so many wonderful ideas that could be used for any type of client. I love their attitudes, and well, the fact that they seem to be as in love with Starbucks as I am. I get picked on for collecting the Starbucks mugs everywhere I go. Well, guess what-they do it, too. :)

The rest of the night was packed with album info and...drum roll please...PASS. I cannot wait to use that to the max! It's all about giving clients what they want-and fast! So fantastic!

So, between Promise's wonderful e-course, Zach & Jody's amazing way of thinking about business (it's about people-not just delivering photos), and David Jay giving us the freedom to put all of this into our websites and have an amazing way to meet so many wonderful photographers-this year is going to ROCK! I feel like I have a whole new family!

Promise Tangeman!!

Jody (Zach & Jody Gray)

Jody & Zach (Zach & Jody Gray)

To top it all off, I shot a graduation ceremony for a local technical college this morning. As I was setting up the lights in the ballroom for formals after the ceremony, I was going through all the things I needed to remember to do throughout the day as all the graduates were getting lined up to make their walk across the stage. I noticed a guy sitting close by with his head down and he was crying-not sobbing, just some tears. I asked him if he was okay. His response, a huge smile while wiping those tears and saying, "This degree was so hard to get." I was speechless. It was then that I realized I was not hired simply to document students in caps and gowns crossing a stage, I was there to help them celebrate all of their hard work to get them there. Reason number five million and one of why I have the best job in the world.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mumford & Sons...and Crazy Great New Friends

Have you ever heard live music that sounded so great you just wanted to close your eyes, but you also didn't want to miss a second of watching? That pretty much sums up tonight's Mumford & Sons show at the Fox. Unreal.

The night started out seriously funny-parking was $25, I was two dollars short-FAIL. Little did we know, that would actually create an adventure.
The poor parking attendant was nice enough to let us go eat dinner and come back to pay. Too bad the restaurant does not give change. This caused us to go into Publik...fantastic idea, right? Well, I had to buy a $6.50 drink, tip $2.00 to get $2.00 to give the parking guy. However, everyone in that place was super nice! Whew. Okay, parking attendant paid.
Then, we had quite awhile to stand outside before the doors open, and that's when we met the first two of our new friends-Nicole & Ryan. AWESOME people! We all go back to Publik and figure out that we all have way too much in common.
Eventually Brittany and I make our way to our seats, and that's when we meet our other new friend, Cathy. Huge music-lover, which makes her absolutely okay in my book. :)

The opening band, Matthew and the Atlas, left me pretty speechless. I have sat through some terrible opening bands, so this was beyond a nice surprise.

Seeing Mumford & Sons--from the 12th row--no words. There are just no words. And that is why I attempted to take photos (in between my crazy clapping under the string lights and the "starlit" sky of the Fox--which felt like we were all at some barn raising...sorry, I have no other way to describe that) with my poor little Rebel that has been with me since I started out on this photography journey.
They played a few new songs, and trust me, their next album is going to be amazing. :)

View from Publik--with said drink. At least it was good. :)

My first show at the Fox. I would say that's a great way to start.

Matthew and the Atlas

And...Mumford & Sons.

Nicole & Ryan!

Brittany & Me

One of THE best shows I've seen. I've never clapped so much throughout a show in my life. It was definitely fun.