Part of the beauty of being a photographer is that I get to take road trips for my job. I love road trips!
This weekend, I ventured out to a new, undiscovered town north of here for a photo session, and a visit, with my amazing, beautiful cousin, Ericka.
The day started out with us scouting locations, and then we started the fun! She was hilarious! I had the greatest time catching up with her and she is so beautiful that she made my job SUPER easy. Here are a few of her:
After the first location, we actually went to these ADORABLE little kids' birthday party (3-year-old triplets and their 2-year-old little sister). Yes, this weekend was very unpredictable.
After that, I got to meet her boyfriend, and we all ended up heading out to find location number two for their photo session. Somehow, we ended up at a mountain festival? It was actually pretty cool. So, we got their photos taken, and then walked around the festival. Here are a few of them:

The funny part comes in as we were about to leave. We bought some Italian ice, and started to make the trek back to our cars. The guy driving the golf cart shuttle asked if we needed a ride, so we decided to hop on the back. I wish you could picture what happened next: we were trying hold onto our mound of Italian ice (which was quickly melting in the heat) and trying to explain to the guy (who told us he couldn't hear very well) where our car was parked. Little did we know, he took off like lightning, and there we were...almost flying off...face first...onto the pavement. Not to mention all the people staring at us as we laughed our heads off. And then...there we went...THROUGH THE MIDDLE OF TOWN...with this guy driving like crazy. Needless to say, by the time we made it to our car, our ice had melted down our arms, but we were safe. I'm thinking it's probably one of those "you had to be there" things, but I thought I'd share just in case. I'm pretty sure we laughed for about an hour about it.